The amazing underwater world of the kelp forest

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Where can you find kelp forests? - Kelp forests thrive worldwide in cold, nutrient-rich waters of the world's seas and oceans. 

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How are kelp forests formed? - The forests are formed in shallow water by the dense growth of several different species known as kelps.

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What is kelp? - Though they look very much like plants, kelps are in fact large brown algae.

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Growth - Kelps grow in dense groupings much like a forest on land, with some species  reaching heights (underwater) of 45 m (150 ft).

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Food and shelter - A kelp forest is tiered just like a rain forest, with a canopy and several layers below. The kelp provides food and shelter for numerous organisms.

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Natural landing stage - Kelp blades on the water's surface serve as a handy platform for wildlife, such as this pair of egrets on the lookout for breakfast. 

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California sheephead - A large male California sheephead swims through a beautifully backlit section of  kelp forest.

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Marine algae - A far smaller species of marine algae is seen here in a kelp forest off South Africa's Cape Peninsula.

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Fish-eating anemone - Fish using the kelp as cover often fall prey to this attractive but deadly marine carnivore.

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Nudibranch - A nudibranch, a marine mollusk, feeding on kelp in the canals of Patagonia, southern Chile.

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Sea dragon - A beautiful and delicate common sea dragon grabs a spot of lunch in a kelp forest off Tasmania's east coast. 

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Halfmoon blue perch - A school of halfmoon blue perch swim in a kelp bed off Monterey Bay, California, as a shoal of sardines pass quickly by.

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Greater kelp goose - Kelp geese are noted for only eating kelp and will migrate along the coast of South America in order to find their favorite snack.

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Kelp from above - This is what a kelp forest looks like from above.

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