The best foods to combat bloating

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Sweet potatoes - Rich in potassium, which fights sodium-induced water retention, sweet potatoes are an excellent anti-bloating food.

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Oatmeal- This fiber-rich grain will keep you full without puffing you out. Have some for breakfast with a sprinkle of cinnamon and fresh berries for additional antioxidants.

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Green tea - Green tea is a wonder for bloating. Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, a warm cup will help flatten out your tummy.

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Ginger - One of the oldest herbal medicines around, ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties works wonder for constipation and bloating. 

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Leafy greens - Filled with important nutrients, leafy greens like kale, spinach, and lettuce will help against bloating. 

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Mint - Used in many cultures as a tea, this herb can help improve digestion after a meal. So brew yourself a cup of mint tea when dealing with bloating or indigestion.

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Tomatoes - Tomatoes are super rich in potassium, which helps rid your body of belly-bloating sodium. 

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Avocados - Filled with monounsaturated fat, avocados are an excellent source of bloat-reducing potassium and antioxidants.

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Berries - Filled with fiber and antioxidants, these low-cal treats have excellent nutritional properties. Eat them solo or use them as toppings on oatmeal or yogurt.

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Cantaloupe - Filled with anti-bloating potassium, low in calories, and with a high water content, you can get away with eating a lot of this orange melon.

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Brown rice - Brown rice is a complex carb, which takes a long time to digest. This helps you stay full longer and feel less bloated.

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Watermelon - Packed with water, watermelons are excellent for hydrating and also for snacking on without risking bloating.

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Cucumbers - Cucumbers are low in calories and are natural diuretics, meaning they help flush out excess water weight.

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Almonds - Almonds are loaded with protein, making them a great in-between meals snack. However, be sure to limit yourself to a one-ounce serving.

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Eggplant - With low sodium and high water intake, this veggie is not only delicious, but also great against bloating.

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