The best sports for you based on your zodiac sign

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Aries - Aries tend to be naturally adventurous with a strong competitive streak. When it comes to playing sports, MMA, boxing, and wrestling are all good options.

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Taurus-For Tauruses, it's all about having fun in life. Sports like weight lifting and body building are great options, as they allow you to keep fit while also pigging out.

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Gemini - Geminis tend to be very outgoing characters who love to be around others. For that reason team sports like volleyball or rowing are great.

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Cancer - Cancers are not traditionally sport-loving, there's no reason they cannot learn. Try and go for something like yoga in order to maintain a sense of calm.

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Leo - Leos are great believers in the value of hard work and they like others to see them at their best. They should choose any form of ultra-competitive sport.

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Virgo - Virgos tend to like routine and the idea of bettering themselves, so low-intensity recreational exercise like a morning walk is often a good option.

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Libra - Libras are all about beauty and dignity. They tend to be fans of sports that involve dressing up in costume or reveling in the beauty of the sport itself.

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Sagittarius - They like to stand out from the crowd, and so they tend to gravitate towards less practiced sports like horseback riding or archery.

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Capricorn - You will thrive in sports like running and boxing, which will encourage you to set clear goals and dedicate yourself to smashing them with all your endurance.

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Aquarius - Aquariuses will generally enjoy sports like paragliding or windsurfing as either a participant or spectator.

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Pisces - As a Pisces, you will feel right at home while swimming, surfing, or sailing.

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