The best steps towards ultimate self-care

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Make a journal - This is always a great idea, but even more so if you highlight the positive things in your life for which you are thankful.

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Have an invigorating shower - A nice, long shower is a great way to clear your mind and relax. Take one before bed to warm yourself up for a deep sleep.

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Spend time with friends - It's proven that laughing is good for your health, and it's also great to be able to unwind with friends.

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Plan a trip - Sometimes half the fun is in the planning! Plus, the longer you plan in advance, the cheaper it'll be, and the longer you'll have something to look forward to.

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Try a face mask - Have some fun with it! It will also give you a nice glow and make you feel invigorated and fresh, not to mention the silly photo opportunities.

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Eat well - Not only is a healthy diet important for a healthy body, it is also important for a healthy mind.

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Go for a walk - Observing the world around you is a great way to switch your mind off and be in the moment. 

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Do a DIY project at home - If you like to keep busy, try challenging yourself with a new project, especially if it is something that seems new, or difficult. 

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Buy flowers - Buy some nice flowers, breathe them in, and put them somewhere where you will enjoy them for a few days.

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Light some scented candles - Scented candles will relax you and provide a great atmosphere.

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Yoga - Not only is yoga good for your body, but it is also great for your mind, as it allows you to detach completely from day-to-day concerns.

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