The healing power of superfoods

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Flaxseed - High in fiber but also low in cholesterol, flaxseed helps alleviate arthritis, may prevent cancer, and increases antioxidants.

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Blueberries - Blueberries improve brain function and memory, help moderate the ageing process, and promote a healthy heart.

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Mushrooms - Low in calories and a good source of iron, mushrooms increase antioxidants, help slow ageing, and inhibit heart disease.

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Oranges - Oranges burst with vitamin C and are an excellent source of dietary fiber. They help beautify the skin and provide a useful boost to the body's immune system.

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Avocados - Avocado is a great cancer and heart disease inhibitor. It can also enhance vision and encourage better digestive health, among other benefits.

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Tomatoes - Packed with nutrients and vitamins A, C, and K, the health benefits of tomatoes include helping to prevent cancer and inhibiting heart disease.

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Carrots - Yes, carrots really do enhance vision. Bursting with vitamins A, C, K, and B8, these root vegetables also help boost the immune system.

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Parsley - Parsley is a high source of flavonoid antioxidants and a great ally in the fight against painful arthritis. 

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Coconut - Also useful in the fight against arthritis, coconuts are highly nutritious, high in fiber, and should be included in any weight loss program.

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Goji berries - Goji berries can help slow the ageing process, beautify the skin, and promote eye health. 

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Cucumbers - Cucumber is known to beautify the skin and assist in weight loss. It's also known to lower anxiety and stress levels. 

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Strawberries - Strawberries add significantly to antioxidant levels, help lower blood pressure, and may help prevent heart disease. 

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Celery - Including lots of antioxidant-packed celery in a diet can assist in weight loss. Another advantage is its cancer prevention qualities.

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Cantaloupe - Cantaloupe, also known as muskmelon, is great for maintaining healthy skin. It's also a useful antioxidant booster. 

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