The secret ways dogs communicate with their owners

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Giving you gifts - Bringing you a sneaker or a dead animal is just your dog trying to make you happy.

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Sits on your feet - She may be marking her territory or feeling insecure.

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Digging - Digging is a sign of boredom.

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Licking - Licking is a sign of submission, a way to release stress, and an expression of love.

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Tail chasing - Puppies usually chase their tails because they don't realize it belongs to their own bodies. Older dogs may simply be bored.

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Dead bug position - A dog laying on his back is submissive and vulnerable, showing trust in his surroundings.

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Head tilting - Your dog is trying to hear better and focus on the sound.

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Baring teeth, ears back, and snarling - This dog feels threatened and is giving a warning.

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Puppy dog eyes - This adorable expression indicates that your dog loves and trusts you (he may also be begging for food!).

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Taking over your bed - Your pup just wants to feel like a part of the pack!

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Rising bark - A bark that starts out soft and gets louder and higher indicates an excited pup that wants you to play with them.

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Low front, mouth wide open, and wagging tail - This play pose indicates that your dog is enjoying himself and having fun.

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Forward ears - This indicates focus and curiosity. 

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Loose floppy tongue - This is the sign of a very chilled and relaxed dog.

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Rocking horse - When your dog runs in a rocking motion, they are likely enjoying the activity and wanting it to continue.

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After-dinner snuggles - Your dog is expressing how comfortable they feel with you.

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Sleeping in your bed - Aside from being comfortable, your bed smells like you and is comforting to your dog when you're not there.

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Raising a single paw - A dog might raise a paw to indicate hunger or a desire to play.

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