The world's most disgusting jobs

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Portable toilet cleaner - If you've ever been to a large event were these are used, you know how gross they can get. But someone has to clean them.

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Rat breeder - They might be a pest in some places, but science needs them too, so someone has to take care of the breeding.

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Sewer inspector - Well, you know what goes through the sewage system, right?

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Medical waste disposal - This one is both gross and dangerous. Can you imagine the amount of disgusting things these professionals have to handle every day?

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Pet food tester - Yes, people are paid to do this. It might be a bit gross sometimes, but at least it's just food.

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Maggot farmer - If the thought of maggots is revolting, imagine having to work with thousands of them!

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Fart smeller - The smell of your farts can indicate a number of health issues, so professional fart smellers are actually a thing!

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Vomit collector - Many amusement parks with roller coasters have people that specialize in this stomach-churning task.

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Podiatrist - These professionals have to deal with people suffering from a number of different foot problems, from ingrown toenails to fungus.

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Landfill worker - Operating machinery in a landfill might sound somewhat fun, if it wasn't for the fact that you'd be moving piles of (potentially dangerous) garbage.

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Chimney sweep - Historically, one of the dirtiest jobs in the world. Despite technological advancements, it can still get pretty dirty.

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Chicken sex*r - One of the techniques a chicken sex*r uses is to check a chick's "rear" to determine whether it's male or female.

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Septic tank repair - When a septic tank is broken, someone has to fix it.

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Pathologist - These professionals look at causes and effects of diseases and injuries. They play an important role in autopsies.

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