These Summertime Hacks Will Save You Time & Money

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1. Use a Fitted Sheet as a Beach Blanket: Most of us have a few extra fitted sheets lying around. 

2. Make Aloe Vera Ice Cubes: If you haven’t got an aloe vera plant handy, then shame on you. Every house should have one. 

3. Freeze Your Clothes: Yes, it sounds bizarre, but when the temperatures soar and you’re desperately trying to stay cool.

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4. Use Soapy Water for a Floatie Hole Fix: There’s no bigger summer buzzkill than a hole in your pool floatie. 

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5. Use a Muffin Tray for Condiments: Muffin trays are wonderful things that most of us have lingering in our cupboards anyway. 

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6. Remove Corn Husk with a Toothbrush: Everyone knows that corn is a key element to any successful barbecue, the fresher the better.

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7. Peel Mango Easily With This Hack: Youtuber @CrazyRussianHacker figured out a great new way to peel a mango. 

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8. Protect Yourself From Sweat Stains: Summer might bring fun and sun, but it also brings sweat,

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9. Use Kool-Aid as Chlorine Remover: Any blonde person will tell you that chlorine can do weird things to the hair, making it turn slightly green.

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10. Use Chip Bags as Chip Bowls: Nothing tastes better in the summer than a refreshing, crunchy bite of some chips and salsa. 

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11. Get Creative on the Beach with a Diaper Deterrent: Going to the beach is excellent, we all know that.

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12. Cook the Best Grilled Hot Dogs: Hot dogs are the perennial summer food, and there’s nothing better after a long.

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13. Use Cola for Catch and Release Fishing: This handy trick is supposedly a good one for fishing enthusiasts. 

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