Tobacco additives and what they're otherwise used for

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The chemicals - There are over 700 additives in most tobacco products.

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Acetaldehyde - Acetaldehyde is used to make polyvinyl acetate, which is a form of glue.

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Acetic acid - Acetic acid can be found in hair dye.

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Acetone - Acetone is used to make nail polish remover.

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Benzene - Benzene can be found in a range of products, including in plastic.

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Benzene - Benzene is naturally found in crude oil.

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Benzene - Benzene is also used to make many different kinds of rubber.

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Cadmium - Cadmium is used to make metal alloys.

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Hydrogen cyanide - Hydrogen cyanide is used for the case hardening of iron and steel.

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Lead - Lead is used in batteries.

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Polonium-210 - Polonium-210 is radioactive and is used to remove static electricity in machinery or dust from photographic film.

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Tar - Tar is used for paving roads.

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Carbon monoxide - Carbon monoxide (CO) is not added to tobacco, but is formed when it is burned. CO can also be found in car exhaust fumes.

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Cocoa - What could possibly be wrong with cocoa? Well it gives tobacco a more appealing taste, and a pleasant experience is more likely to result in repeat behavior. 

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Menthol - Menthol is also used to improve the taste of tobacco. 

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The industry-Though it is well known that tobacco has been wiping out million of people for a long time, the industry is booming and shows no sign of slowing any time soon. 

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