Useless things you should get rid of today

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Old cell phones - Many people keep old cell phones they no longer use at home. It’s like we get emotionally attached to them and don’t accept that it’s time to move on.

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Old makeup - That dry mascara and old lipstick should make their way to the trash ASAP.

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Alarm clocks - The dreaded alarm clock no longer has a place in most of our bedrooms. Most of us just use our phones anyway.

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Medication - We tend to keep medications at home that have already expired. So, check for dates and declutter.

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Calculators - Even the old '90s Nokias had calculators, so why on Earth do we still keep these around?

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Old textbooks - You know, the ones you kept from college, with outdated information that you can find online in two minutes. Time to say goodbye.

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Incandescent light bulb - Do you still have these at home? It’s time to swap them for more cost-effective and environmentally-friendly alternatives.

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Expired coupons - We keep stacks of these at home, but then forget about them. Many expire and we don’t even realize it. It’s time to get rid of them.

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Receipts - Unless you have a legitimate reason to keep these at home, just recycle them.

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Desktop computers - Unless you need it for something specific, there is no need to be confined to a desk.

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Printers - When was the last time you printed something? Plus, you’ll be helping the environment by not wasting more paper.

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