What are mantras, and do they actually work

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Sacred sound - A mantra is a sacred sound, originating in the Sanskrit language. A mantra can be a collection of sounds, or it can have a specific meaning.

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Sacred sound - To this day, mantras are an important feature of Hindu religious rites and domestic ceremonies. They ratify and solemnize rituals.

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Om - One of the most widely known of the mantras is the "Om." 

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Om - The primal tones of this creation sound are represented by the A-U-M vocalization (commonly written as "Om").

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Entering the subconscious - It's believed by yogis that when you chant a mantra with intention, the idea and power behind the mantra permeates your subconscious.

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Mantra meditation - Using mantras to relax the mind and help it focus is a technique known as mantra meditation.

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The physiology of meditation - The physiological changes experienced in the body during meditation are the result of nerve relaxation. 

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Producing the relaxation response - A silent environment, a comfortable posture and object of focus are essential for relaxation.

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Producing the relaxation response - In mantra meditation, the object of focus for producing a relaxation response is a repeated word or phrase called a mantra.

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Research - A small study in 2012 looked at the benefits of mantra meditation on brain health. 

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Benefits of mantra meditation - Mantra meditation encourages a relaxation response, to give a sense of calm. 

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Spiritual connection - Mantra meditation can help you feel more connected spiritually. Feelings of calm and peace are generated from this state.

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Mala beads - Mala beads can help with mantra meditation. The string contains 108 beads, which you can use to maintain focus on your mantra.

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How to begin: get comfortable - Choose a place where outside noise won't be a problem. Hand positions might be helpful for some people, but they're not necessary.

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Set a timer - Decide the length of time you'd like to meditate for, then set a timer. Depending on your experience level, three minutes might be the most you can manage.

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Take deep breaths - Recenter yourself by taking some deep breaths, focusing on the sensations inside the body as you breathe in and out.

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Use your mantra - Continue breathing as you say your mantra, either out loud or in your mind. Your breath should settle into a rhythm with the mantra after a few minutes.

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Close your meditation - When your timer goes off, give yourself some moments to check in with yourself and how your body feels before returning to your day.

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