Action in struts 2


Actions are the core element of struts 2. Actions contain the necessary processing logic to complete the request from the user. Actions are also used to interact with the other layers like view layer.

How to create Action in struts 2?

In struts 2 an action can be created by following ways:

Action in struts 2 by using POJO class with example.
Struts2 action pojo example. How to create action in struts2 by using POJO class. Struts2 action class example.
Action in struts 2 by implementing Action interface with example.
Action interface struts2 example. How to create action in struts2 by implementing Action interface. Struts2 action interface example.
Action in struts 2 by extending ActionSupport class with example.
Actionsupport class in struts2 example. How to create action in struts2 by extending ActionSupport class. Struts2 ActionSupport class example.

  Next Topic: Action in struts 2 by using POJO class with example. Previous Topic: Struts 2 Configuration Files.


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