C Sharp Thread Life Cycle

C# Thread Life Cycle

A thread in C# has a life cycle, which starts when the instance of the System.Threading.Thread class is created, and it ends when the task execution of the thread is completed. In C#, the life cycle of a thread has the following states:

  • Unstarted
  • Runnable (Ready to run)
  • Running
  • Not Runnable
  • Dead (Terminated)

Unstarted State:

A thread in C# is in the unstarted state by default, when the instance of the Thread class is created.

Runnable State:

A thread in C# is in the ready-to-run state or in the runnable state when the start() method on the thread is called.

Running State:

A thread in C# is in the running state at the time of execution. At a time within a process, only one thread can be executed.

Not Runnable State:

A thread in C# is in the not runnable state, when the input/output operation is blocked or when the sleep() or wait() method is called on the thread.

Dead State:

A thread in C# enters into the dead or terminated state, after completing a task.


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