CSS Padding

To specify the space between the content and the border of an element, the CSS Padding is used. The CSS margin is used to specify the space around elements while CSS padding is used to clear an area around the content. The background colors affect CSS padding. Using separate properties, we can modify the top, … Read more

CSS Overflow

When content overflows its block-level container, the CSS Overflow is used to specify the way to handle it. CSS can control the size, positioning, and behavior of each element in HTML. CSS Overflow property values: Value Uses visible Used to indicate that the overflow is not clipped. hidden Used to indicate that the overflow is … Read more

CSS Opacity

To specify the clarity of the image or the transparency of an element, CSS Opacity is used. To apply the CSS opacity setting: The setting of the CSS opacity is implemented uniformly over the whole object. It is not inherited. Defined in terms of digital value less than 1, the greater opacity value renders lesser … Read more