NADAMS full form

NADAMS:- National Agricultural Drought Assessment and Monitoring System

NADAMS (National Agricultural Drought Assessment and Monitoring System) was initiated towards the end of 1986 due to the need for a sound, operationally feasible and economically viable system for drought monitoring and decision support. It brought out total solutions for drought management with a robust monitoring system and a mechanism for rainfall prediction. It was established as a nodal agency for execution with the support of India Meteorological Department (IMD) and other state departments of agriculture. It has been providing information on agriculture and drought in terms of persistence and severity at state, district and sub-district level. NADAMS underwent many methodological improvements such as the use of multiple indices for drought assessment, use of spatial resolution data for level assessment, achieving synergy based ground observations, providing user-friendly information etc.  It covers 13 agriculturally important and drought-vulnerable states of the country and provides information on spatial-extent and intensity of agricultural drought at each level.

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