NREP full form

NREP:- National Rural Employment Programme

NREP stands for National Rural Employment Programme. It was launched in October 1980 and became a regular plan programs in April 1981. It is considered an important component in the implementation of the anti-poverty strategy. It is an integral part of the total package, which would imply that an effort would have to be made to direct and monitor the wage employment opportunities accruing through this program to members of the target group including those identified including those identified for assistance under the assistance under the IRDP. They look after the development of composite homestead projects for the shelterless in the form of housing complexes-cum-production estates within a larger concept of habitat development, fieldworks in irrigation command areas, roads according to well-defined techno-economic norms and within planned priorities such as those arising out of the MNP and need-based construction of buildings would provide vital economic infrastructures like buildings for godowns, banks and workshops for target group beneficiaries.

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