START full form

START:- Strategic Arms Reduction Talks

The full form of START stands for Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty is a bilateral treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) on the purpose of reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty was first drafted on 29th of June in the year 1982 – June 1991. And later was signed on 31st July 1991. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty finally came into effect on 5th December in the year 1994. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty was located in Moscow, Russian, SFSR, Soviet Union. And as we know when two nations come along to create something, there will always be a clash of opinions, and therefore there was a condition to be kept, that both parties had their ratifications. But the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty later expired on 5th of December 2009. But on 8th April 2010, a new beginning, the replacement New START treaty was signed in Prague, by the United States President Barack Obama and Russian president Dmitry Medvedev. The signatories of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty were George H. W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev. As the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty had parties the United States and the Soviet Union, along came the languages English and Russian. For the first time, there were tremendous reductions in American and Soviet or Russian strategic nuclear weapons, and it was done by the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

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