TypedArray lastIndexof() JavaScript

The Javascript TypedArray lastIndexof() method is used to get the last position of a value. It will return -1 if the specified value is not found in the array. Syntax: array.lastIndexOf(value, start) Parameters: value: It represents the current element’s value. start: It represents the index position from where to start the search. The default is … Read more

TypedArray Keys() JavaScript

The Javascript TypedArray Keys() method is used to retrieve an Array Iterator object with the keys of an array. Syntax: array.keys() Parameters: value: It represents the current element’s value. index: It represents the index position of the current element. arr: It represents the array. thisValue: It represents this argument for the function. Returns: It returns … Read more

TypedArray join() JavaScript

The Javascript TypedArray join() method combines all the elements of an Array into a string. The specified separator will separate all elements. The default separator is a comma(,). Syntax: array.join(separator) Parameters: separator: It represents the separator to which all elements will be separated. It is optional Returns: It returns a string which combines all the … Read more

TypedArray indexof() JavaScript

The Javascript TypedArray index () method finds the index of the element provided as the argument to the function. Syntax: Array.indexOf(value, start) Parameters: value: It represents the current element’s value. start: It means the index position to start the search. The default is 0. It is an optional parameter. Returns: It returns the index of … Read more

TypedArray includes() JavaScript

The JavaScript TypedArray includes() method to check if a particular element is present in the array or not. It is case-sensitive. Syntax: array.includes(searchElement, start) Parameters: searchElement: It represents the current element’s value. start: It represents the index position to start the search. Returns: It returns true if the specified element is present in the array, … Read more

TypedArray forEach() JavaScript

The Javascript TypedArray forEach() method is used to call a specified function once for each element of the array. Syntax: array.forEach(function(value, index, array), thisValue) Parameters: value: It represents the current element’s value. index: It represents the index position of the current element. array: It represents the array. thisValue: It represents this argument for the function. … Read more

TypedArray findIndex() JavaScript

The Javascript TypedArray findIndex() method retrieves the index of the first element that completes the given test in the array. It will return -1 if no part satisfies the given condition. Syntax: array.findIndex(function(value, index, arr) thisValue) Parameters: value: It represents the current element’s value. index: It represents the index position of the current element. arr: … Read more

TypedArray find() JavaScript

The Javascript TypedArray find() method retrieves the value of the first element in the array that satisfies the specific condition. Syntax: array.find(function(value, index, array)) Parameters: value: It represents the current element’s value. index: It represents the index position of the current element. array: It represents the array. Returns: It returns the first array element that … Read more

TypedArray filter() JavaScript JS

The Javascript TypedArray filter() method is used to form a new array that falls under a given criteria from an existing array. Syntax: array.filter (function (currentValue, index, arr), thisArg) Parameters: currentValue: It represents the current element’s value. index: It represents the index position of the current element. arr: It represents the array on which filter() … Read more

TypedArray fill() JavaScript

The Javascript TypedArray fill() method fills all the elements of an array from the start index to the end index with a static value. Syntax: array.fill(value) array.fill(value, start) array.fill (value, start, end) Parameters: value: It represents the value to fill the array. start: It represents the index position to start filling the array. The default … Read more