TypedArray every() JavaScript JS

The Javascript TypedArray every() method is used to check whether all the elements of an array satisfy the given condition or not. Syntax: array.every(function(value, index, arr), thisValue) Parameters: value: It represents the current element’s value. It is a required parameter. index: It represents the current element’s index in the array. It is an optional parameter. … Read more

TypedArray entries() JavaScript

The Javascript TypedArray entries() method is used to get a new Array Iterator object that contains key-value pairs for each index in the array. The Array index is represented by a key and the array item is represented by value. Syntax: array.entries() Returns: Array Iterator object. Example: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script type=”text/javascript”> var Jewels … Read more

TypedArray copyWithin() JavaScript JS

The Javascript TypedArray copyWithin() method is used to copy a portion of an array to another location in the same array and returns the size without modification. Syntax: arr.copyWithin(target) arr.copyWithin(target, start) arr.copyWithin(target, start, end) Parameters: target: It represents the index position at which elements to be copied. start: It represents the index position from where … Read more

Symbol.unscopables JavaScript

The JavaScript Symbol.unscopables property represents an object whose inherited property names are excluded from environment bindings. Its property can be set to true and false. The object would not appear in lexical scope variables if its property is set to true and it will appear in lexical scope variables if its property is set to … Read more

Symbol.toStringTag JavaScript

The JavaScript Symbol.toStringTag property creates the default string description of an object. The Object.prototype.toString() method internally use it. Syntax: Symbol.toStringTag Example 1: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script> class obj {get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return ‘HELLO’; } } document.write(Object.prototype.toString.call(new obj())); </script> </body> </html> Example 2: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script> class TestDisplay { get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return … Read more

Symbol.split JavaScript

The JavaScript Symbol.split property splits a part of the string from the indices that match the specified regular expression. Syntax: Symbol.split(string) Parameters: string: It represents the string. Returns: It returns a string that is split from the specified expression. Example 1: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script> class obj { constructor(a) { this.a = a; } … Read more

Symbol.search JavaScript

The JavaScript Symbol.search property finds out the index within a string that matches with the regular expression. Syntax: [Symbol.search](string) Parameters: string: It represents the string that matches against the regular expression. Returns: Index of the specified string with a match. Example 1: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script> class obj { constructor(a) { this.a = a; … Read more

Symbol.replace JavaScript

The JavaScript Symbol.replace property eliminates the matched substring of a string. Syntax: [Symbol.replace](string) Parameters: Source string. Returns: Modified string. Example 1: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script> class obj { constructor(a) { this.a = a; } [Symbol.replace](string) { return `${string}`; } } var display =new obj(“HELLO”); document.writeln(display.a); document.writeln(“WORLD!”.replace(display.a)); </script> </body> </html> Example 2: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> … Read more

Symbol.prototype JavaScript

The JavaScript Symbol.prototype property gives a prototype for the symbol constructor. Symbol.prototype is the parent of all Symbol objects. Syntax: Symbol.prototype Returns: Prototype for the symbol constructor. Example 1: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script> var alpha = Symbol(‘HELLO’); Symbol.prototype.toString = function() { return (‘HELLO WORLD!’); } document.write(alpha.toString()); </script> </body> </html> Example 2: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> … Read more

Symbol.match JavaScript JS

The JavaScript Symbol.match property looks for the matching of a regular expression against a string. Syntax: Symbol.match Parameters: string: It represents the string. Returns: It returns true if a regular expression matches against a string, otherwise, it returns true. Example 1: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script> var alpha = /HELLO WORLD/; alpha[Symbol.match] = false; document.write(‘/HELLO … Read more