MongoDB vs DynamoDB Head-to-Head

[ad_1] Databases are a vital architectural ingredient of many applications and companies. Usually, businesses have picked relational databases like SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and Postgres. Relational databases use tables and structured languages to keep facts. They usually have a fixed schema, stringent info sorts, and formally-outlined relationships involving tables utilizing overseas keys. They’re dependable, rapidly, … Read more

Redis vs MongoDB

Difference between Redis and Mongodb. Below is the comparative study between Redis and MongoDB.   REDIS MONGODB Developed by Salvatore Sanfilippo. Developed by MongoDB Inc. Written in C. Written in C++. Redis is an in-memory data structure store. MongoDB is a document oriented database server. Subscription based and open-source database. Free to use and open-source … Read more

CouchDB vs MongoDB

Difference between Couchdb and Mongodb. Below is the comparative study between CouchDB and MongoDB.   COUCHDB MONGODB Uses HTTP/REST based interface. Uses binary protocol and custom protocol. It is a NoSQL Database or a non-relational database. It is also a NoSQL Database or a non-relational database. CouchDB is a document oriented database server. MongoDB is … Read more

Cassandra vs MongoDB

Difference between cassandra and mongodb. Below is the comparative study between Cassandra and MongoDB.   CASSANDRA MONGODB Written in Java. Written in C++. It is a NoSQL Database or a non relational database. It is also a NoSQL Database or a non relational database. It is a distributed database system MongoDB is a document oriented … Read more

Mongodb sort query

In MongoDB, we can manually sort the documents in a collection in the selected database using db.collection_name.find().sort() method. Type the command collection_name.find() in the command prompt to see all the inserted document in a collection. For Example: db.HELLO.find() Type the command collection_name.find().sort({KEY: 1}) in the command prompt to sort all the inserted documents in a … Read more

Mongodb query limit fields

MongoDB limit() :  In MongoDB, we can manually limit the fields of document that we want to retrieve from a collection in the selected database using db.collection_name.find().limit(Number) method. Type the command use DATABASE_NAME in the command prompt to create a new database or to select the already created database with the respective name. For Example: … Read more

Mongodb query documents

In MongoDB, we can manually retrieve a document from a collection in the selected database using db.collection_name.find() method. Type the command use DATABASE_NAME in the command prompt to create a new database or to select the already created database with the respective name. For Example: use Hellodb Type the command createCollection(name, options) in the command … Read more

Mongodb delete documents

In MongoDB, we can manually delete a document from a collection in the selected database using db.collection_name.remove() method. Type the command use DATABASE_NAME in the command prompt to create a new database or to select the already created database with the respective name. For Example: use Hellodb Type the command createCollection(name, options) in the command … Read more

Mongodb update documents

In MongoDB, we can insert a document using the upsert method into a collection, or we can update or modify the existing documents of a collection in the selected database using db.collection_name.update() method in MongoDB. Type the command use DATABASE_NAME in the command prompt to create a new database or to select the already created … Read more

Mongodb insert document

In MongoDB, we can manually insert a document into a collection in the selected database using db.collection_name.insert() method. We can also insert a document using the upsert method into a collection in the selected database using db.collection_name.update() or method in MongoDB. Type the command use DATABASE_NAME in the command prompt to create a new … Read more