GCC full form

GCC :- Gulf Cooperation Council

GCC stands for Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf commonly known as Gulf Cooperation Council were signed on November 11, 1981, in Abu Dhabi. It is an economic, political, regional, intergovernmental union of all Arab states of the Persian Gulf except Iraq. All current member states are a matrix of federal, absolute, constitutional monarchies. Its main objectives are to establish a customs union, common currency framework, common Market mechanisms in the Gulf countries. It even seeks to formulate the unanimous set of regulations in various fields such as trade, administrations, finance, customs, and religion. It even fosters to establish technical and scientific progress and research centers mining, agriculture, industry and water, and animal resources encouraging a cooperative private sector and shielding the mainland with a unified military force. It is headed by three main councils: the Supreme Council, the Military Council, the Monetary Council and the Secretariat General with the aim to maintain and manage the politics and governance of the organization.

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