IARI full form

IARI:- Indian Agricultural Research Institute

IARI stands for Indian Agricultural Research Institute. It is India’s national institution for agricultural research and education and was formerly known as the Imperial Institute of Agricultural Research. IARI, which was formed in 1905, was responsible for the research which led to the Green Revolution of India in the 1970s. The institution improves and adjusts its policies and programmes for the effective response to the nation’s needs. The graduates of the Institute form the crux of human resources in India’s agricultural research. Besides basic research, applied research has also resulted in the development of high yielding varieties of crops and associated technologies. Advanced scientific disciplines provide the base for its expansion in the 3 main areas of research, extension, and education. It helps the society through fast research, generation of technologies and strengthening the process of human resource development. Commonly known as Pusa Institute, IARI is administered and financed by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).

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