jQuery prop()

The jQuery prop() method sets or returns attributes or values of the selected elements.


When used to return the property’s value:


When used to set the property and value:


When used to set the property and value by using a function:


When used to set multiple properties and values:

$(selector).prop({property:value, property:value,...})


  • Attribute is a compulsory parameter of the jQuery prop() method, as it specifies the name of the property.


  • Value is also a compulsory parameter of the jQuery prop() method, as it specifies the value of the property to set.


  • It is an optional parameter.
  • The function parameter is used to return the property’s value.


  • The index is an argument passed within the function.
  • It is used to give an index position to an element in the set.


  • This parameter is used to provide the current property’s value.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
var ("div");
x.append("The value of the color property: " + x.prop("color","yellow");
<button>Add and remove a property</button><br><br>
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