jQuery delegate()

The jQuery delegate() method is used to attach a function to run when the event occurs for specified elements which are the children of selected elements, including both the current and the future elements. Syntax: $(selector).delegate(childSelector,event,data,function) ChildSelector: It is a mandatory parameter The child selector parameter is used to specify the child elements for a … Read more

jQuery load()

The jQuery load() method is used to attach a function to run when a load event occurs i.e, when a specific element is loaded. Syntax: To trigger the load event for selected elements. $(selector).load() To add a function to the load event. $(selector).load(function) Function: It is an optional parameter. The function parameter specifies the function … Read more

jQuery mouseup()

The jQuery mouseup() method is used to attach a function to run when a mouseup event occurs i.e., when the left button of the mouse is released after pressing on the selected element. Syntax: To trigger the mouseup event for selected elements. $(selector).mouseup() To add a function to the mouseup event. $(selector).mouseup(function) Function: It is … Read more

jQuery hover()

The jQuery hover() method is used to trigger both the mouseenter and mouseleave events, to execute two functions, i.e., when the mouse pointer roams over the selected element. Syntax: $(selector).hover(inFunction,outFunction) In Function: It is a mandatory parameter. This parameter specifies the function to run when the mouseenter event occurs. Out Function: It is a mandatory … Read more

jQuery mouseleave()

The jQuery mouseleave() method is used to attach a function to run when a mouseleave event occurs i.e., when the mouse cursor leaves the selected element. Syntax: To trigger the mouseleave event for selected elements. $(selector).mouseleave() To add a function to the mouseleave event. $(selector).mouseleave(function) Function: It is an optional parameter. The function parameter specifies … Read more

jQuery mouseenter()

The jQuery mouseenter() method is used to attach a function to run when a mouseenter event occurs i.e. when the mouse cursor is entered over the selected element. Syntax: To trigger the mouseenter event for selected elements. $(selector).mouseenter() To add a function to the mouseenter event. $(selector).mouseenter(function) Function: It is an optional parameter. The function … Read more