NBPGR full form

NBPGR:- National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources

NBPGR stands for the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources. It is the implementer of the National Crop Plant Genetic Resources Protection Programme and aims to protect the biodiversity of plants endangered by the genetic erosion in Poland and is funded by the Ministry of Agriculture. It collects cultivated varieties of crop and wild plants threatened with genetic erosion, which are then characterized, evaluated, and documented. NBPGR exchanges seed and other samples with institutions worldwide and provide them with plant materials for breeding and research programs. They maintain seed samples in genetic purity. Plants collected and originated from various climatic zones are maintained in highly specialized conditions. This is done in the Botanical Garden in Bydgoszcz, where genetic resources are evaluated and preserved. Laboratory for plants Collection and Evaluation, for documentation and seeds long-term storage, a laboratory for soil reclamation plants and the botanical garden form the organizational structure of NBPGR.

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