Tbody HTML

HTML <tbody> Tag

To group the rows of a table, the HTML <tbody> tag is used. It thus suggests that the content within it is the body part of the table. It is used as a child of the <table> element along with the <thead> and <tfoot> tags. The HTML <tbody> tag, however, does not affect the layout of the table but is used for providing semantic information. One or more <tr> elements must be placed within a <tbody> tag.




<!DOCTYPE html>
thead {background-color:lightgray;}
tbody {background-color:pink;}
tfoot {background-color:wheat;}
table, th, td {
  border: 2px solid brown;


In the above example, we have displayed the use of the HTML <tbody> tag along with the other HTML table tags.

Tag specific Attributes:

Attribute Value Uses HTML 5
align right





Used to define the content alignment inside the <tbody> element. Not Supported in HTML5.
char character Used to define the content alignment of the <tbody> tag to the character. Not Supported in HTML5.
charoff Number Used to define the number of characters the <tbody> content will be aligned from the character specified by the char attribute. Not Supported in HTML5.
valign top




Used to define the vertical content alignment inside the <tbody> element. Not Supported in HTML5.

Global Attributes:

The HTML Global attributes are supported by the HTML <tbody> tag.

Event Attributes:

The HTML Event attributes are supported by the HTML <tbody> tag.

Supporting Browser:

Chrome, IE, Firefox, Opera, and Safari.

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