To communicate with CouchDB in order to retrieve data from the database, to store data into the database, to view the stored documents and to format the documents stored in a database, the HTTP requests are used. The input data and output data structures, for any operation in CouchDB, are in the form of JavaScript … Read more

Create User in couchdb

Create DB User Open Fauxton from the following link: Click on the “Permission” block to add new admins and users. Go to Admin block, to change the Admin password. Go to Create Admin block to create other admins.    

Run CouchDB Mango

To find documents on predefined indexes, Mango is useful and is easiest. It facilitates a single HTTP API endpoint. The API endpoint accepts JSON bodies via HTTP POST. A set of instructions to return the result in the specified order is facilitated by the JSON bodies.

CouchDB Curl

To communicate with CouchDB one can either choose: CouchDB Curl CouchDB Fauxton But to communicate with the CouchDB database to transfer data from or to a server, CouchDB Curl utility is needed. It is a command-line utility. It thus accesses the HTTP protocol straight away from the command line. It uses protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, … Read more

CouchDB Fauxton

A web-based built-in administration interface to facilitate a simple graphical interface to interact with CouchDB is what a CouchDB Fauxton can be understood as. Along with being very simple to use, it also facilitates full access to all CouchDB features.   Uses of CouchDB Fauxton: To create databases. To delete databases. To create documents. To … Read more

Install CouchDB

Install CouchDB on Windows: Download CouchDB from the official website: Click on the download button. From the various files of different formats, download CouchDB according to your operating system. Now run the downloaded apache file. Complete the pre-installation processes and click on the INSTALL button. Open the link: in a browser after the … Read more

Difference between CouchDB and MongoDB

CouchDB vs MongoDB: A comparative study between CouchDB and MongoDB is presented below:   CouchDB MongoDB Written in Erlang. Written in C++. Document-oriented model. Document-oriented model. Safer. Less Safer. Eventually consistent. Strongly consistent. Data is presented in JSON format. Data is presented in BSON format. Uses HTTP/REST based interface which is intuitive and well designed. … Read more