JavaScript Reflect

There are various methods that the JavaScript Reflect object facilitates.

JavaScript Reflect Methods:

apply() Method: Use: To call a function using the specified argument.

construct() Method: Use: To invoke a constructor with a variable number of arguments.

defineProperty() Method: Use: To add or modify a property of an object.

deleteProperty() Method: Use: To delete a property of an object.

get() Method: Use: To get the property of an object as a function.

getOwnPropertyDescriptor() Method: Use: To get the descriptor of the property of an object.

getPrototypeOf() Method: Use: To get the prototype of an object.

has() Method: Use: To determine if a property exists in an object.

isExtensible() Method: Use: To determine if an object is extended or not.

ownKeys() Method: Use: To get an array whose values represent the keys of the properties of an object.

preventExtensions() Method: Use: To prevent any future extensions to an object.

set() Method: Use: To set the value of the property of an object.

setPrototypeOf() Method: Use: To set the prototype of an object to another object.

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