SETS full form

SETS:- Society of Electronics Transaction and Security

SETS stands for Society for Electronic Transactions and Security is an autonomous body under Government of India and is headquartered in Chennai, TN. It is a Research and Development Organization in the field of Information Security. The main agenda of SETS is to pursue research in the fields of  Cyber Security, Network Security, Security of Embedded Systems and Cryptology. It also deals with issues related to Security Requirement, Storage, Transmission and Retrieval of Data in Electronic Cashless Transactions.

The organization also provides Consultancy Services and training on Cyber Security for Business and Private Sectors. It also pursues basic research into Prototypes for data security and analysis. The organization already have a ton of achievements including Famous DoS (Denial Of Service) Mitigation System, forming Policy for Currency Printing Wing of RBI. It also has done successful programs with other countries including Australia.

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