SEWA full form

SEWA:- Self Employed Women’s Association

SEWA stands for Self Employed Women’s Association is a Trade Union established in 1972. SEWA was founded by Gandhian and civil rights leader Ela Bhatt. The Organization consists of Poor, Self-Employed Women Workers. The women of this Union majorly do labor or small business and are not regular salaried and are deprived of welfare benefits. The Union consists of more than 20 Lakh Women.  SEWA is the largest organization of informal workers in the world and largest non-profit Organization in India.

Sewa’s main goals are to organize women for full employment where they get work and income security, food, and social security and the members can get self-reliance. Sewa works on Gandhian Principle of Struggle, Truth, Non-Violence, and Faith. SEWA is not only an organization but a movement as well. The SEWA movement is known by hybridization of three movements: the labor movement, the cooperative movement, and the women’s movement.

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