Difference between DBMS and File System

The differences between the file system and the database management system are:

DBMS File System
DBMS is just a collection of data, and the user is not required to write any of the procedures. The file system is also a collection of data, but in the file system, the user has to write all the procedures required for managing the data.
DBMS offers a view of the data in an abstract manner and hides the details of the data. The file system offers all the data available in the system to the viewer.
DBMS offers extra protection in the form of crash mechanism where data is preserved even in case of severe failure. The file system does not offer such protection, and once the data is lost, it is lost forever.
The data under DBMS is offered excellent protection. File system and its data is hard to protect.
DBMS offers comprehensive techniques for easier access. No such techniques are available in the file system.
Concurrent access is possible in DBMS. Two users cannot access the same data simultaneously because it is stored at a single place and hence can be accessed only by an individual user at a time.


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