File Organization In DBMS

In DBMS, a file is a set of data records. A primary key helps to access the data records. The type of file organization that utilized for the given collection of data records helps in determining the frequency and type of access.

  • File organization represents a logical equation among the different data records. This function describes how the data records get mapped onto the disk blocks.
  • File organization describes the method in which the data records get stored in the form of blocks which are kept in the storage space.
  • The first way of mapping database to file is to make use of different files and store a fixed measurement of the data record in the file. Another way is to arrange the data in a way to hold the various measures of data records.
  • It is more convenient to implement the files of determinate measurement than those of variable measurements.

Aim of the file organization

Here are a few essential objectives of file organization in DBMS.

  • The file organization consists of an optimal collection of data records that quickens the process of selection.
  • File organization is for performance, insertion, deletion, and updating of transactions on the file records easily and quickly.
  • No inducing of duplicate data records through insertion, updating, and deletion.
  • File organization minimizes the cost and increases the efficiency of the price of storage.

The kinds of file organization

File organization has a host of different methods. These functions have advantages and disadvantages based on selection or access. In the file organization, the programmer decides to select the method according to his requirements.

The different kinds of file organization include:

  • Heap file organization
  • Sequential file organization
  • Hash file organization
  • Indexed sequential access
  • B+ file organization
  • Cluster file organization


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