CQL Create Table Data

To insert data into the columns of a table in Cassandra, the INSERT command is used. Syntax:

INSERT INTO <table_name>  
(<column1_name>, <column2_name>....)  
VALUES (<value1>, <value2>....)  
USING <option>


INSERT INTO employees<id, name, salary> 
values<1, 'Adi', 50000>;
INSERT INTO employees<id, name, salary> 
values<2, 'Bruno', 30000>;
INSERT INTO employees<id, name, salary> 
values<3, 'Chris', 60000>;
INSERT INTO employees<id, name, salary> 
values<4, 'Davis', 20000>;
INSERT INTO employees<id, name, salary> 
values<5, 'Eliza', 15000>;

Explanation: In the above example, we are inserting data into the ’employees’ table. Verify it by using the below command. SELECT * FROM employees;


id	name	salary
1	Adi	50000
2	Bruno	30000
3	Chris	60000
4	Davis	20000
5	Eliza	15000
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