Data Types in Cassandra

Cassandra Data Types:

Below is a list of various data types supported in Cassandra.

ASCII Used for US-ascii character string.
BIGINT Used for 64-bit signed long.
BLOB Used for Arbitrary bytes in hexadecimal.
BOOLEAN Used for True or False.
COUNTER Used for Distributed counter values 64 bit.
DECIMAL Used for Variable precision decimal.
DOUBLE Used for 64-bit floating point.
FLOAT Used for 32-bit floating point.
FROZEN Used to store cassandra types.
INET Used for IP address in ipv4 or ipv6 format.
INT Used for 32 bit signed integer.
LIST Used for Collection of elements.
MAP Used for JSON style collection of elements.
SET Used for Collection of elements.
TEXT Used for UTF-8 encoded strings.
TIMESTAMP Used for ID generated with date plus time.
TIMEUUID Used for Type 1 uuid.
TUPLE Used for a group of 2,3 fields.
UUID Used for Standard uuid.
VARCHAR Used for UTF-8 encoded string.
VARINT Used for Arbitrary precision integer.

Cassandra Automatic Data Expiration:

Data in Cassandra can automatically expire. For this, the user needs to specify the ‘TTL’ value in seconds, during data insertion, which is the time to live value for the data, after which the data automatically gets eliminated.


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