CPP Aggregation

The process of defining a class by some other class as any entity reference is termed as aggregation in CPP programming. In other words, aggregation can be defined as the process of reusing a class in a form of association. In CPP, the term aggregation means “HAS-A relationship.”


#include <iostream.h>
using namespace std;
class Student
string Name;  
float ID;
Student(string Name, float ID) 	 
this-> Name = Name;    
this-> ID = ID;   
class Details   
Student* std;  
int stdclass;    
string section;    
Details(int stdclass, string section, Student* std)    
this->stdclass = stdclass;    
this->section = section;    
this->std = std;    
void detail()
cout << "Student Class : " << stdclass << endl;
cout << "Student Section : " << section << endl;
cout << "Student Name : " << std->Name<< endl;
cout << "Student ID : "<< std->ID << endl;  
int main()
Student s1 = Student("Khush", 1);    
Details d1 = Details(6, "A", &s1);  
return 0;


Student Class : 6    
Student Section : A  
Student Name : Khush  
Student ID : 1
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