CPP Constructors

CPP facilitates a special type of method, also called as CPP Constructors, to initialize the instance members of the class and to verify enough object resources for executing any startup task. It has the same name as the name of the class.


Types of Constructors:

 Default Constructor:

A Default Constructor is automatically created at the time of creating object, without any arguments and parameters.

Parameterized Constructor:

A Parameterized Constructor is a constructor with parameters created in order to assign values to the objects.

Example 1: Example of Default Constructor

#include <iostream.h>
using namespace std;
class Employees
cout << "Hello Employee!!" << endl;
int main()
Employees e1;    
Employees e2;  
return 0;


Hello Employee!!
Hello Employee!!

Example 2: Example of Parameterized Constructor

#include <iostream.h>
using namespace std;
class Employees
string Name;  
float Salary;
Employees(string n, float s) 	 
Name = n;    
Salary = s;  
void details()
cout << "Employee Name : " << Name << endl;
cout << "Employee Salary: " << Salary << "\n\n";
int main()
Employees e1 = Employees("Khush", 10000);    
Employees e2 = Employees("Raam", 20000);  
return 0;


Employee Name : Khush                      
Employee Salary: 10000                         
Employee Name : Raam                    
Employee Salary: 20000
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