CPP Comments

CPP comments are used to give a brief description about any specific line of code or about a module in the code to make the code more user-friendly.

CPP Comments can be of two types:

  • Single line Comments
  • Multi line Comments


Single Line Comments:

Single line comments can be used for commenting a line of the code or to write a single line description about the code. The lines starting with // is considered as single line comment.


Multi Line Comments:

Multi line comments can be used for commenting a part of the code or to write a multiple lines description about the code. The lines enclosed between /* */ are considered as multi line comments.



#include <iostream.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
int n;
cout << "Enter a number: ";
cin >> n;
/* if the number is less than 5,
the break will directly go to less label. */
if (n < 5)
goto less;
// otherwise print the number.
cout << n;
cout << "less than 5";
return 0;


Enter a number: 4  
less than 5
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