CPP Inheritance

The property of acquiring all the properties and behaviors of the parent object by an object is termed as inheritance in OOPs. This is a unique feature in object oriented programming languages which facilitates reusability of the code of the parent class by the derived class.

CPP Multilevel Inheritance:

CPP facilitates inheritance of a derived class from its base class as well as inheritance of a derived class from another derived class. The inheritance of a derived class from another derived class is called as multilevel inheritance in CPP, which is possible to any level.

Example 1: Example of single level inheritance

#include <iostream.h>  
using namespace std;  
class Employee
string name = "Ved";   
class Details: public Employee
float salary = 50000;    
int main()
Details e1;  
cout<<"Name: "<<e1.name<<endl;    
cout<<"Salary: "<<e1.salary<<endl;    
return 0;  


Name: Ved       
Salary: 50000

Example 2: Example of multilevel inheritance

#include <iostream.h>  
using namespace std;  
class Employee
string name = "Ved";   
class Salary: public Employee
float salary = 50000;    
class Experience: public Salary
string experience = "5 years";    
int main()
Experience e1;  
cout<<"Name: "<<e1.name<<endl;    
cout<<"Salary: "<<e1.salary<<endl;  
cout<<"Experience: "<<e1.experience<<endl;  
return 0;  


Name: Ved                      
Salary: 50000    
Experience: 5 years
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