String in C

C Strings:

A sequence of characters, internally stored in the form of an array of characters is called as string.

Declaration of String:

In C, a string can be specified in two ways:

Character Array:

A string declared as an array, where each character represents an element of that array, is called as Character Array.


char array_Name[] = {char1,char2,char3………};

String Literal:

A string declared as an array, where the whole string represents a complete array, is called as String Literal.


char array_Name[] = “stringValue”

Example :

#include <string.h>  
void main()
char chr[]={'H', 'E', 'L', 'L', 'O', ' ', 'C', '\0'};    
char str[]="HELLO C";    
printf("String in form of character array: %s\n", chr);    
printf("String in form of string literal: %s\n", str);    


String in form of character array: HELLO C
String in form of string literal: HELLO C
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