Variables in C

A variable is a temporary memory location that holds its data temporarily. C requires the data type of the variable to be well defined at the time of variable declaration, according on its value.


data_type variable_list;

Rules for using C Variables:

  • C Variable name starts with a letter or underscore only; numbers and special characters are restricted for this.
  • C Variables name can contain alphanumeric characters and underscores only.
  • C Variables name can not contain any white space within it.
  • C Variables name should not be same as any reserved word or keyword already defined in C library.

C Variables Types:

C Variable are classified according to the scope of the variable inside the code, i.e, the portion of the script where the variable can be used. These are:


Local Variables can only be accessed within the function where it is declared.


Global Variables can only be declared outside the function and can be accessed by all the functions.


Static Variables are declared with static keyword for a variable to retain its value between multiple function calls.


External Variables are declared with extern keyword for a variable to be shared in multiple files.


Automatic Variables can be declared with auto keyword. Although, every variable declared inside a function, by default, are automatic variables.

Example 1: Local declaration of Variables.

void main()
int a, b;
printf ("Enter two numbers: ");
scanf ("%d, %d",&a,&b);
printf("Sum of x+y = %i", a+b);


Enter two numbers: 2,3
Sum of x+y = 5

Example 2: Global declaration of Variables.

int sum;
void main()
int a, b;
printf ("Enter two numbers: ");
scanf ("%d, %d",&a,&b);
sum = a+b;
printf("Sum of x+y = %i", sum);


Enter two numbers: 2,3
Sum of x+y = 5
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