Title Bar, Help Button, Zoom Control and View Buttons in Excel

Title Bar

The title bar is a bar located at the topmost of a window or a dialog box that shows the name of the window or software program being used. For example, in the image below, the title bar shows the name of the program “Excel-Tutorials – Microsoft Excel

Help Button

It present on upper right corner of the excel window beside the selection to minimize the window. It is in the form of an enclosed question mark. It offers excel associated support.

Zoom Control

Zoom control is a slider that lies afterward to view buttons at the right end of the status bar. You can use the minus (-) and plus (+) symbols in the status bar to rapidly zoom the file.

View Buttons

There are three view buttons on the right finish of the status bar, to the left of the zoom control. In Microsoft excel the view buttons are a feature that allows you to modification however the presentation or document seems. Within the image is associate example of however the view buttons seem in excel

In Microsoft Excel, you have the choice of altering the views to Normal, Page Layout, and Page Break Preview.


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