Spam Protection in WordPress

WordPress – Spam Protection

Malicious content may sometimes reach your WordPress page and that may infect it. There are three main steps you can take in order to prevent spam from reaching your website and this tutorial will be demonstrating them.

Step 1: Updating WordPress

Ensuring that your version of WordPress is up-to-date is essential in countering spam, since newer versions of WordPress contain many security updates and patches which prevent spam. You can do so from the admin dashboard which displays a notification whenever a new WordPress update is available. If there is no notification, then your WordPress is up-to-date and you may move on to the second step.

Step 2: Set Up Akismet

Akismet is an important plug-in which is always helpful for your website as it checks every comment entering your website and filters the spam by comparing it to its database. This filters the spam and prevents it from reaching your website. You may activate Akismet by using the key freely available on their website here.

Step 3: Install a Visual Verification

You might be able to observe the growing number of websites using the CAPTCHA plugin. Visual verification is the best way to prevent bot spam attacks from reaching your website. Simply search for the “WordPress CAPTCHA plugin” and set it up on your website so that comments left on your website will need to be verified.

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