Add comments in WordPress

WordPress – Add comments

Here you will get steps to add comments which allow your visitors to have a discussion with you. The admin approves comments and then posted. Followings are the easy steps to add comments to your articles.

  1. At first, click on the Pages from the left panel of the dashboard of WordPress and then click on All pages.
  2. Now you will see all the pages in a list in WordPress. Now select any of that list, you need to add comments to. Here, you can see, adding a comment in a page. Click on the desired page.
  3. Now, to add a comment on the page, click on the Screen Options existing at the top right-hand corner.
  4. Now, you will get a dropdown list of screen option on your screen. You can check the discussion and comment box as displayed in the following screen.
  5. Now, you can able to see the discussion and comments box at the foot of your page.

    In the discussion panel, there are two options –

    • Allow Comments. − It allows readers to comment on your pages.
    • Allow trackbacks and pingbacks on this page. − It enables the readers to give pings and trackbacks.

    In the Comment section, you can attach comments by clicking on the Add Comment button in WordPress.

  6. At last, Click on Update button after making all the changes.

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